Monday, August 24, 2009

coconut tea

This morning was nice. 

Waking up at 7:00 a.m. is quite a feat for me. But I did it. And I am glad I did. 

The only proper way to discuss the upcoming school year is on a comfy couch, in comfy clothes, drinking coconut tea with my dearest Mother. My Mom is one of God's greatest gifts to my life, and I was so grateful for that time with her this morning.

We discussed how to fill a year of school when there is no more school left to do. How is it done? By quilting, drawing, starting an etsy shop, planting a church, taking hip hop, and making dinners with Mom. I have made my plans, now it is for me to act on them and see how God will work. 

As I made this blog for my art, I will now share some. Enjoy.

The Future is Uncertain 

Hidden Dangers

We Are All Mad

1 comment:

  1. coconut tea, sounds lovely dear :) i have never had it, next time i see you we should drink it together :)
    sounds like a lovely day, i got up at seven too! i'm so proud of us.
    productive you with your non school like school i love you :)
    oh and i know i should be kind to my dear friend buuut ill send you this anyway...
