Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I need to hear it each and every day


My soul, why do you not at rest? 
Do you not know the storm that tosses you is more treacherous than the one you fear?
Oh, treacherous soul! That will not rest when you are eternally safe
That tempts me to believe the lies you whisper.
Your standing is firm and you cry, “quicksand!”
You are loved eternally yet you cry, “unloved!”
You are stubborn, you are blind, and worst yet
You do no believe your savior loves you.
And best yet,
He loves you steadfastly still.
May your cry of “quicksand” be deafened by his louder cry of “I uphold you with my righteous right hand!”
May your cry of “unloved!” be drowned by his louder cry of “loved eternally”
And when you do not believe, touch his scars you earned and know that he is good.
My soul, oh my soul, why are you at turmoil with in me?
Do you not know, you have a righteous Savior who sought you when you were lost
And saved you when you were dead. 
Nevermore to sink in the mire of this world
Nevermore to be despised
His love has cured your disease
Now trust that he is good.
He died to posses you.
He died to love you.
That is how good he is. 
Oh my soul, stand in awe of your God
And rest in him.



  1. so encouraging dear :) did you write that?
    i miss you
    i hope i may see you soon! i think the weekend after this weekend 16th-18th? anyway
    i love you
